
Unity Analytics Tutorial: How-To Add 3D Analytics To Projects

Unity Analytics Tutorial: How-To Add 3D Analytics To Projects
Metalitix Editor
Unity Analytics Tutorial: How-To Add 3D Analytics To Projects

In the ever-expanding worlds of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and gaming, building truly immersive experiences takes more than great coding and slick graphics. To provide the best possible user experience, it’s essential to harness the full power of 3D analytics. So, welcome to your ultimate guide to Unity analytics, where we’ll explore what Unity analytics is, how they differ from traditional 2D analytics, and how you can effectively integrate analytics into all your Unity projects. If, however, you’re not familiar with Unity, then this first section is for you…

What is Unity?

Unity Analytics - The Fall Guy
The Fall Guy

Since making its debut back in 2005, Unity has emerged as one of the leading 3D computer graphics game engines. Initially released exclusively for Mac OS X, it soon added support for Windows and web browsers. Thus, Unity achieved its stated aim to “democratise” game development and make it more widely accessible. While its foundations are firmly grounded in game development, Unity has since expanded its capabilities. It now powers a wide range of applications including VR and AR experiences. With its feature-rich environment, Unity allows developers to create high-quality interactive experiences and photorealistic visualisations. Outside of gaming, Unity has been used in industries as diverse as film, architecture, construction, and even the military.

What are Unity Analytics?

Unity analytics refers to the collection and analysing of data within games or experiences built within Unity. By collecting various metrics and tracking user behaviour, Unity analytics provides developers with invaluable insights into the performance of their projects and how users engage with them. Armed with these insights, one can refine and optimise experiences, thus boosting user engagement by making more informed decisions. That means no assumptions, no guesswork, just data. Using tools such as Metalitix enables you to seamlessly integrate 3D analytics with Unity to track all sorts of metrics which gives agencies and developers the power to stay ahead of the curve…and the competition by being able to optimize their scenes based on key user-experience insights from features like the 3D heat map, user journey explorer and engagement metrics.

Integrating 3D analytics within your Unity scene

Unity Analytics - Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go

Platforms such as Google Analytics have historically been used to track the performance of websites using metrics such as dwell time, CTR and engagement rate - however these are all taken from a flat website, with no need for spatial data within a 3D environment. However, the advent of immersive Extended Reality environments and the need to track user behaviour more meticulously soon gave rise to 3D analytics. Such analytics provide valuable insights gained from AR platforms, VR experiences, the metaverse, and other digitally created 3D environments.

Complexities like movement, depth, and numerous other interactive elements mean tracking metrics within these 3D environments can be difficult. Or rather, it used to be. There’s now a host of applications designed specifically for such tasks, including the industry pioneer of the space, Metalitix.

One notable advantage of 3D analytics over their 2D equivalents is their exceptional level of detail – and practicality. While traditional analytics focus on metrics like clicks, page views, impressions, sessions, and conversions, they’re inherently limited. In contrast, 3D analytics delve into stats that are beyond the reach of 2D screens. They include valuable measurements such as user movements (captured through heat maps), interactions with virtual objects, and even gaze tracking. All these significantly contribute to the tracking and analysis of Unity projects. By leveraging these metrics, you can optimise your 3D worlds with precision and eliminate guesswork in the process.

Adding 3D Analytics to Your Unity Projects

Metalitix is a flexible and customisable analytics platform that will help any developer streamline the optimisation of their Unity projections. Plus, it has a user-friendly onboarding process that takes only a few steps to complete.

Step 1:

Create a Metalitix account

Step 2:

Create a new Unity project: Creating your project is simple too. This will serve as the hub for all your analytics data, keeping data management and analysis quick and easy.

Step 3:

Whitelist your domains: It’s important to configure your domain whitelist so that only those from expected origins are logging into your project.

Step 4:

Integrate Unity with Metalitix: Now you’ve got started, follow the few quick steps in the Unity Integration Guide.

For further assistance, check out our getting started guide.

And that’s it. You’re done. Now it’s time to start collecting invaluable data from your Unity projects. See, we told you it was simple. 

Optimise 3D Environments Using Unity Analytics

Unity analytics tutorial

Leveraging Metalitix for 3D analytics empowers developers with valuable insights, giving them a deeper understanding of user behaviour. This knowledge allows them to craft experiences where the user is always at the forefront of design. If, however, you’re still not convinced, here are some of the ways Metalitix can elevate your 3D creations.

Identify popular areas:

Metalitix enables you to easily pinpoint the most frequented sections of your Unity environments. By gaining insights into user movements, you can identify opportunities to improve interactivity and overall map design.

Optimise user flow:

Identify any bottlenecks or challenging areas within your environment through Metalitix analytics. Such valuable insights allow you to tweak and refine navigation and enhance the overall user experience.


By marking individual user preferences, you can create user-specific experiences, making for a more engaging and bespoke environment for your users. 

Test and refine:

Continuous testing and refinement means any changes can be properly evaluated. By using real data, you can constantly tweak and improve your experiences based on user behaviour, feedback, and overall performance.

Harnessing the power of Unity analytics is the key to truly understanding your users. Once unlocked, this knowledge will help you create worlds to entertain and inspire.

Get Started Today

If you’d like to get the most out of your Unity environments, learn more at metalitix.com, or book a demo to get started today.

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