
The Ultimate Guide to 3D Analytics

The Ultimate Guide to 3D Analytics
Metalitix Editor
The Ultimate Guide to 3D Analytics

In 2023, data analytics will be an integral part of virtually every industry with an online presence, transforming how companies and organisations operate and influencing their business decisions. A data-first approach is no longer innovative – it’s the new normal – with numerous metrics driving a business’s marketing, sales, and overall business strategy. However, the internet is changing, as is how users interact with it, and all these interactions have a wealth of almost untapped information that could prove invaluable to the modern business.

Virtual and augmented reality (AR) technologies continue to advance and the metaverse is becoming increasingly ubiquitous. As such, the need for analytics that can provide insights into user behaviour within 3D environments is becoming more and more crucial for businesses operating within this space, a figure that’s increasing every day. But what does this all mean? Well, in this blog, we’ll explore what 3D analytics is, how it differs from 2D analytics, and it’s practical applications. So, let’s get right to it.

What is 3D Analytics?

3D analytics

3D analytics is a subset of analytics which focuses on the collection and analysis of data from 3D environments. These environments include virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) applications. Much like traditional 2D analytics, 3D analytics provide insights into how users interact with these 3D environments, how they engage with content (CTAs for example), and what actions they ultimately take. This data can be used to identify areas for improvement, optimise UC, and provide valuable insights to increase traffic, conversion, and ultimately, profit.

Metaverse Analytics

Only a few years ago the term “Metaverse” was known by only a few, whereas it’s now firmly in the public lexicon. And for good reason. In the not-so-distant future, the number of metaverse users will explode, making metaverse analytics a vast resource that’s waiting to be tapped by those with the means to do so.

Metaverse analytics specifically refers to the measurement of metrics within the metaverse. Within this collective virtual shared space, and using Metalitix as your 3D analytics tool, you’ll be able to gain valuable insights into your users’ behaviours such as where they’re located, what they’re looking at, and how they’re interacting with objects.

VR and AR Analytics

While VR and AR of course play a huge role in the constitution of the metaverse, it’s important to note that 3D analytics can be collected from virtual reality and augmented reality applications too. VR analytics focuses on the capture and analysis of data from immersive virtual reality environments, while AR analytics focus on augmented reality experiences that overlay digital objects onto the physical world. 

How Does 3D Analytics Differ from 2D Analytics?

When we say 2D analytics, we’re referring to traditional online data capture from 2D static web pages from platforms like Google Analytics. 3D and 2D analytics differ from each other in many ways. 

  1. 3D environments are much more complex, with much more depth, movements, and interactions. This added complexity requires the use of sophisticated tools to properly collect and analyse data. 
  2. 2D and 3D both use different sets of metrics. While traditional metrics include things like clicks, impressions, etc., 3D metrics must also track more complex data such as user movements, gaze direction, and interaction with objects within the environment.
  3. 3D analytics requires a new approach to data presentation. While traditional bar charts and graphs may be useful in certain instances, they may not always be suitable when presenting data captured within a 3D environment.

Use Cases for 3D Analytics

3D analytics use cases

The metaverse has as wide a reach as the internet, if not more so. We’ve barely touched the top of the well in his regard, with so much innovation ahead of us. What we can say with certainty is that VR, AR, and metaverse analytics have far reaching applications across numerous sectors, including:

  • Gaming: 3D analytics are used to optimise gameplay experience for users by, for example, identifying areas of the environment which users have spent more time engaging with. 
  • Education and Training: Tracking user engagement with educational and training programmes can help educators to improve their curricula to increase engagement and provide personalised feedback to students.
  • Retail and e-commerce: Virtual shopfronts and showrooms are going to take up a sizable portion of the metaverse. Business owners will be able to look at how users interact with their products and virtual store, helping them optimise buyer experience and increase profits.
  • Architecture and construction: 3D property tours may be used by architects and builders to test their building designs. By tracking visitor behaviours, they can improve their designs and identify any potential design flaws.

These are just some of the practical applications of 3D analytics, but this is only the beginning.

Use Metalitix for your 3D Analytics

Metalitix 3D analytics

GA has proven invaluable for businesses over the last 2 decades, but as a more immersive online experience starts to rear its head, the need for a platform which provides the same incisive metrics is getting louder and louder.

Metalitix is a tool that provides detailed insights into user behaviour and engagement with 3D and immersive environments. It’s completely platform agnostic, being compatible with the world’s most popular 3D engines, including Three.js, AFrame, Decentraland, 8th Wall, Unity, and Unreal Engine.

Get Started Today

If you’re ready to futureproof your business and want to get metaverse-ready, we’d love to hear from you, get in contact here.

Learn more at metalitix.com or book a demo to get started today.

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