
How to Optimise UX in Your Games Using 3D Analytics Data

How to Optimise UX in Your Games Using 3D Analytics Data
Metalitix Editor
How to Optimise UX in Your Games Using 3D Analytics Data

Picture this: a gamer, fully immersed in the 3D world you’ve created. They’re exploring, battling, and solving puzzles, and all without a hitch. As a game developer, this is what you want – a player captivated by your work. But how do you get this level of immersion and engagement? It’s about more than great graphics, expert coding, and a passion for 3D modelling. The answer lies in gaming analytics. 

Long gone are the days game development was considered mere entertainment; it’s now an artform, and any good artist is always looking to hone their skills with every new piece. 3D analytics with Metalitix offer you the ability to meticulously dissect player interactions, optimise performance, and transform your games into an unforgettable experience for your users. Whether you’re crafting epic sandbox RPGs or casual mobile phone games, 3D analytics is there to guide you.

What Are 3D Analytics?

Before we get into the nitty gritty, we should clarify what 3D analytics are – just in case there’s any ambiguity. They’re a branch of analytics designed for the digital 3D world. Unlike traditional 2D analytics which are confined to flat screens (think sessions, clicks, impressions, etc.), 3D analytics explore the worlds of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and other digital 3D environments. Such analytics give game developers like yourself incredibly detailed insights into user behaviour, interactions, and overall performance. This makes data analysis in gaming invaluable for optimising user experience (UX). You probably want some specifics though. Well, we came prepared.

Pinpointing 'Cold Areas' in Your Game Maps

3D Analytics for Gaming

Ever wondered where your players are spending most of their time? Gaming analytics on Metalitix provide such insights through the 3D heatmap feature. This invaluable tool visualises player movements and interactions within your gaming world, illuminating the path your players walk. But how is this helpful?

Well, you might find that players are gathering around a certain scene. This could indicate that a scene is particularly captivating. Conversely, you might find somewhere that’s virtually deserted or one that players never return to. You can use this knowledge to focus on improving said area, making for a better overall experience. Maybe the area needs more interactive elements, or perhaps a challenging quest or two.

Ensure Smooth Gameplay with FPS Monitoring

Lag and choppy framerates are very frustrating for gamers, disrupting their experience and potentially leading to total disengagement. So, it’s always good to get ahead of the issue. Using the FPS (Frames Per Second) monitoring metric inside Metalitix you can ensure that your game runs like a well-oiled machine. It tracks the performance of your game’s graphics in real-time, helping you keep an eye on FPS performance.

You might find that certain elements – such as complex textures – are pushing your experiences to the limit. Once flagged, you can take steps to optimise resource-intensive aspects to ensure your game runs smoothly, giving players a seamless and unhindered experience. 

Monitoring Dwell Time

3D Analytics for Gaming Software

Dwell time – the length of time players spend within your game - is vital in gaming analytics. By looking at average player engagement, you won’t just see a series of times – you’ll see patterns. By tracking how long players stay (coupled with where they stay), you gain insights into what grabs their attention and what loses it. 

For example, you might discover players are spending less time in a certain area. If so, it’s time to delve into the specifics. Are there aspects that are too difficult? Are there bottlenecks that are difficult to navigate? Armed with this information, you can refine such areas, making them much more engaging for your players, encouraging them to hang around for longer.

Get Global Insights

Like any great art form, gaming knows no borders, and neither should gaming analytics. Using the country metric within Metalitix, you can track where your players are coming from. Such insights can be invaluable for catering your games for a global audience.

For example, you might notice many players coming to a particular country. You might then want to offer language localisation to better cater to this audience. Beyond language, it might also mean recognising cultural preferences. It could be that players from different countries engage more with particular in-game events, elements, or characters. Embracing global diversity will only serve to make your 3D worlds more inclusive and diverse.

Creating the Perfect User Journey

Gaming 3D Analytics

Understanding the path players take through your game is an excellent way to optimise UX. That’s where Metalitix’s User Journey Explorer comes in so useful. It provides a visual representation of a gamer’s journey, from A to B, right through to Z.

For instance, you might find a player abandoning a quest midway or getting stuck at a certain point. Once discovered, you can start making data-driven changes to improve gameplay. This could include making the map clearer or offering hints, although there are a multitude of changes you could make to improve overall user experience.

Start Optimising your Games Today

Leveraging the full power of 3D analytics is the only way for game developers to improve the vast, immersive landscapes of modern gaming. These tools empower you to optimise user experiences by identifying hotspots, ensuring smooth performance, maximising dwell time, catering to global audiences, and crafting the perfect user journey. The result? A game that will captivate your users for hours upon hours.

Ready to dive into the world of 3D analytics and supercharge your game's UX? Sign up to a Metalitix free trial today and let's take your games to the next level.

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