
An ARKit Tutorial: Integrating 3D Analytics Into Your Next Project

An ARKit Tutorial: Integrating 3D Analytics Into Your Next Project
Metalitix Editor
An ARKit Tutorial: Integrating 3D Analytics Into Your Next Project

Augmented reality (AR) has well and truly arrived. Once a pipe dream or only used with the most up to date technologies, AR is now mainstream, and it’s reshaping industries and transforming user experiences the world over. Any developer working within the AR world will know a very basic truth: crafting captivating experiences is about more than just code – it demands a detailed understanding of user behaviour and engagement patterns. So, with that in mind, today we’re going to talk about ARKit analytics and how it will help your AR creations scale new heights. But in case you’re unfamiliar with ARKit, let’s talk about the basics first. 

What is ARKit?

ARkit Analytics

Introduced back in 2017, ARKit serves as Apple’s augmented reality (AR) platform for iOS devices. It allows developers to create immersive AR experiences using a device’s sensors and cameras. ARKit is used in fields as diverse as marketing, navigation, retail, gaming, entertainment, and education. It boasts all the features app developers need to create the best experiences possible, including motion tracking, light estimation, face tracking, and 3D object detection.

What are ARKit Analytics?

ARKit analytics are an invaluable way for dissecting the intricate interactions within your ARKit-created experiences. These analytics will shed light on user behaviour patterns, engagement rates, and your users’ content preferences. By tracking metrics such as user movement, session duration, and object interactions, ARKit analytics help developers to meticulously refine and optimise their AR creations for maximum impact.

Metalitix seamlessly integrates with ARKit, providing a platform that’s intuitive and customisable. With Metalitix, developers can effortlessly analyse data from their projects to gain crucial insights into user interactions. From account creation to real-time optimisation, Metalitix streamlines the process, ensuring your ARKit experiences are constantly evolving to meet user expectations.

What’s the Difference Between 2D and 3D Analytics?

ARkits Analytics Ikea Place

2D and 3D analytics both capture metrics based on user behaviours, experience, and overall performance. However, the difference lies in the reach of the insights they offer. 2D analytics capture metrics based on flat surfaces such a computer and phone screens – hence the name. Gathered from platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Mailchimp (to name a few), examples include impressions, page views, clicks, conversions, and session time. While useful, 2D analytics are inherently limited and don’t provide insights on the full depth of users’ experiences.

Conversely, 3D analytics are much less confined, providing insights in the worlds of augmented reality, virtual reality (VR), gaming, and other digitally crafted 3D environments. In such detailed spaces, users move around and interact with objects and other virtual elements in ways that simply weren’t possible just a few years ago.

The actions that 3D analytics can track are truly impressive, measuring behaviours such as movement through heat maps, object interaction, and even gaze tracking. By extracting such revealing and exact metrics, developers have the knowledge to fine-tune their 3D experiences with precision and based purely on the data. That way, the result is more captivating and engaging for users.

Adding 3D Analytics into Your ARKit Projects

We’ve already waxed lyrical about the merits of ARKit analytics, but how to get started? Here at Metalitix, we’ve got a platform that’s incredibly easy to use, helping you extract the information you need without fumbling your way through boring spreadsheets and bar charts. And, luckily, getting started takes no time at all. Just follow these quick and easy steps:

Step 1:

Visit the website to create your Metalitix account: Registration is easy, and we have a few different payment options, too.

Step 2:

Create a new ARKit project and upload your 3D model: Creating your project is quick and easy. It will act as the hub for all your ARKit analytics data, taking all the complexity out of the process.

Step 3:

Whitelist your domains: It’s important to configure your domain whitelist so that only those from expected origins can log into your project.

Step 4:

Integrate your ARKit project with Metalitix: This should only take a few minutes.

For further assistance, you can check out our getting started guide.

And that’s you pretty much done. Now you can start using your ARKit analytics to get the most from your AR projects.

Streamline 3D Creations Using ARKit Analytics

ARkits Analytics Alice IN Wonderland

Leveraging the full power of 3D analytics is the best way to truly understand user behaviour. However, you might still be wondering about the practical implications of ARKit analytics? Below are just a few of the ways Metalitix is helping AR developers improve their projects.

Identify popular elements:

Metalitix allows developers to identify frequently visited areas and popular objects. Analysing users’ movements helps identify where the experience could be improved and where to add or remove interactive elements.

Streamline user navigation:

Identify user pain points and bottlenecks. This helps to refine navigation and create a smoother overall experience for your users.

Personalised experiences:

Assessing individual user preferences helps developers tailor AR content to individual preferences by analysing user choices and interactions.

Ongoing refinement:

Constant testing and tweaking is the only way to truly understand the impact of previous changes – for better or worse. Leverage real-time data to refine and improve your experiences.

So, ready to start truly understanding your users? 

Get Started Today

If you want to get the most out of your ARKit experiences, get started with Metalitix today.

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